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When a stroke or brain injury takes away what you love about life, what do you do then? 

Braintastic Coaching Services

We invite you to find out how Braintastic Exercise can help you or your loved one thrive in life.

Join a Coaching Session - FREE

Online Meeting
Aphasia Game Night

Aphasia Game Night

Virtually connect with other brain injury survivors to talk, laugh and connect. 


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Private Coaching

Private Coaching

Individualized coaching for brain injury survivors. These one-on-one sessions are customized to your unique needs.

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Group Coaching

Group Coaching

Brain injury survivors join online with a support person to learn how to integrate healing exercises into everyday life.


Excellent. The cognitive activities are challenging, working on improving speed and efficiency, coupled with a physical challenge. This type of therapy immediately brings attention to areas that need improvement. Braintastic Exercises are very easy to use with what I already have around the home.  Cells and pathways that fire together, wire together. This is achieving exactly that. The practical activities have translated into everyday activities, so now I am constantly working and improving.     

Ian S. - Stroke Survivor

My husband had a stroke about 15 years ago. It affected his ability to remember words and to think clearly. We recently completed a session of cognitive therapy exercises with Lynette. These exercises integrated a variety of tasks and helped him to use his brain more efficiently. The activities are very adaptable to ordinary life routines. In the words of my husband, "My brain gets all jumbled and tired while I am doing the exercises but I can think more clearly afterwards."  I am hopeful that continuing sessions with Lynette will improve my husband's memory and overall quality of life


Janice C. - caregiver

I had a stroke and learned about Braintastic Exercise on Facebook. I have difficulty with speech and forming sentences. The brain exercises they use are great tools for speaking and they are fun to do too! In online group coaching I am also meeting other people  in my same situation and that has been great.  Lynette & Beth are great to work with and are very understanding.


Lisa B. Stroke Survivor

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