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For Those Who Believe

The Brain Can Heal 

Have you experienced that one life-changing moment when your loved one could no longer speak, read or write normally due to a stroke?  

Have you or your loved one experienced a stroke that resulted in problems with memory, thought processes and reasoning?


Do you wish he or she could return to a previous state before the stroke, but you have absolutely no idea how to do so?


Do you feel powerless and uncertain about the path ahead, and long for a warm and kind person to give you hope, strength and encouragement?


If your heart shouted a resounding ‘yes’ to one or more of these questions, then you’ve come to the right place.



For over two decades, I’ve been married to Mike. We have five children, and we love each other deeply.


The day before our 20th anniversary, Mike had a stroke.


I still remember with alarming clarity: Mike, breathing heavily as the struggled to sit up, propped up on his left arm, his right side absolutely useless. That morning, we were tossed into the tumultuous seas involving living with stroke.


As I saw the man I loved lose his ability to speak, read and write, one thought stood out in my mind:


“What are we supposed to do now?” I wondered as turbulent waters and raging winds threw me about. I tried ever so hard to grasp the wheel and steer the ship to safety, but I kept slipping.


The medical therapies Mike went through were bringing us out of the storm, but the progress was slow. My heart ached every time I looked at Mike and watched him struggling. How could I help him recover faster?


I embarked on a journey of research and study to search for the best method to help him recover.


During these five years of searching, I found THE MOST efficient method which engages the stroke patient and caregiver in powerful integrated exercises. We call this method Braintastic Exercises.


We apply Braintastic Exercises on a daily basis and experience ongoing recovery. The stroke took Mike from being an international public speaker to a man who could speak only one word, “Wow.” I remember clearly when Mike spoke his first post-stroke sentence and when he first stood after months in a wheelchair. Learning to walk truly happened one step at a time. His balance is better and that reduces the risk of falls. Mike learned about breaks and gears again while riding a recumbent bike and then applied those skills so he could learn to drive a car again.


His working memory has drastically improved. Where Mike once needed help and support for everything including dosing medications and writing his own name, he now manages his own life. He encourages & motivates people wherever he goes. Mike speaks more which allows him quality interaction with other people. He even speaks to groups of stroke victims and motivates them with his victories. Together we set goals, work hard and celebrate ongoing progress in all areas of life. While these recoveries are unique to Mike, I am confident that other stroke victims can benefit from Braintastic Exercises too.


To share this method with you, we wrote this FREE EBOOK, Braintastic Exercises for Stroke Recovery – 7 Quick Workouts to Rewire the Brain. 

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